qmetric | HR Solutions is currently recruiting, on behalf of its client, global leader in its field, the position of Web Developer The position Working as a Web Developer, you will play an integral part in the development of an innovative publishing...
EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com) is a leading Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Berne, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, Helsinki, Jakarta, Hong Kong, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and...
EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com) is a leading Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Berne, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, Helsinki, Jakarta, Hong Kong, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and...
EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com) is a leading Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Berne, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, Helsinki, Jakarta, Hong Kong, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and...
  EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com) is a leading Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Berne, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, Helsinki, Jakarta, Hong Kong, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and...
Ο κάτοχος της θέσης θα αναφέρεται στο Διευθυντή των καταστημάτων και τα κύρια καθήκοντά του θα είναι τα εξής: Κύρια Καθήκοντα: ·       Πωλήσεις καινούργιων και μεταχειρισμένων αυτοκινήτων, διασφαλίζοντας την απόλυτη ικανοποίηση του πελάτη ·       Συστηματική τήρηση προτύπων και διαδικασιών κάθε μάρκας ·       Διατήρηση...
Το Ευρωπαϊκό Κέντρο Αριστείας Jean Monnet του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών προκηρύσσει την πλήρωση άμισθης θέσης Πρακτικής Άσκησης  (20 ωρών/εβδομάδα, πρωινές ώρες) επί 6 μήνες (1/10/17-31/3/18) . Απαιτούμενα προσόντα α. Τουλάχιστον Πτυχίο ΑΕΙ (θα προτιμηθούν κάτοχοι Μεταπτυχιακού στα παρακάτω γνωστικά αντικείμενα ) β.  Γνώση και...
qmetric | HR & Career Solutions is currently recruiting, on behalf of ATLANTIS Engineering S.A., the position of  .NET Developer (Job opening ID: NET4)  The company ATLANTIS Engineering S.A. has been leading Asset Management solutions since 1996. They develop and implement integrated solutions...
Java Software Engineer,  ZuluTrade Location: Piraeus, Attika Employment: Full time URL: http://el.zulutrade.com/careers/java-software-engineer-1409.aspx Company Profile ZuluTrade welcomes creative, motivated individuals to join our team at offices located in a prominent waterfront location at the port of Piraeus. Our collaborative workplace offers exciting and diverse...
Android Developer, ZuluTrade Group Company Profile ZuluTrade welcomes creative, motivated individuals to join our team at offices located in a prominent waterfront location at the port of Piraeus. Our collaborative workplace offers exciting and diverse opportunities to learn, grow professionally,...

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