Job Details Duties and Responsibilities: Work collaboratively with the IH Manager, to develop initiatives, policies and procedures that will further the Center’s Research Infrastructure development, performance and research support goals Plan, coordinate, monitor and report on the financial activities of...
Stout is a global investment bank and advisory firm specializing in corporate finance, valuation, financial disputes, and investigations. The company serves a range of clients, from public corporations to privately held companies in numerous industries, all of which rely...
Job Details Short description – Duties and Responsibilities: The successful candidate will be responsible to conduct fundamental and/or applied research in the area of Information and Communication Technologies with emphasis on the Monitoring, Control, Security and Management of Critical Infrastructure Systems...


The opportunity Are you ready to deep dive in the Tax Advice sector? Be part of our Graduate Rotational Program in Tax Advice to work with the best Tax Advice teams and grow your career in the global leading professional services firm in...


Job Title: Business Operations Intern Employer: Strategy Lens Location: Patra, Achaia Overview: The Internship in Business Operations offered by Strategy Lens is a highly structured program aimed at recent graduates of Business Administration Schools who have little to no work experience. The program offers a...


Job Title: Strategy Intern Employer: Strategy Lens Location: Patra, Achaia Overview: The Internship in Strategy is a paid program aimed at recent graduates and MBAs who are passionate about Strategic Management and are keen to apply their skills in challenging business problems. The program offers...


Job Title: Technology Intern Employer: Strategy Lens Location: Patra, Achaia Overview: The Internship in Technology is a highly structured program aimed at recent graduates of Computer Science schools. The program offers a unique exposure to technology related business issues and assumes that the candidate has...
Η LEXIS Πληροφορική (www.lexis.gr) ζητά άμεσα Μηχανικούς Πωλήσεων για τα κεντρικά της γραφεία στο Γέρακα Αττικής, με σκοπό το σχεδιασμό, την προώθηση και την πώληση συστημάτων και λύσεων δικτύωσης (routers, access points/Wi-Fi, switches, κλπ.). Τομείς δραστηριότητας της εταιρίας: Μελέτη και...
Η LEXIS Πληροφορική Α.Ε., επίσημος αντιπρόσωπος της DrayTek Corp. (www.draytek.com) σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο, με κεντρικά γραφεία στο Γέρακα Αττικής, ζητά να προσλάβει άμεσα Technical Support Engineer. Απαραίτητα προσόντα: Πρακτική εμπειρία τουλάχιστον 2 ετών στην τεχνική υποστήριξη και επίλυση προβλημάτων...
Η LEXIS Πληροφορική (www.lexis.gr) ζητά άμεσα Μηχανικούς Πωλήσεων για τα κεντρικά της γραφεία στο Γέρακα Αττικής, με σκοπό το σχεδιασμό, την προώθηση και την πώληση συστημάτων ασφάλειας δικτύων (Cyber Security). Τομείς δραστηριότητας της εταιρίας: Μελέτη και υλοποίηση λύσεων Cyber Security,...

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