Adecco HR is looking for a young talented, mature person, with an international mindset and adaptable to changing environments and different cultures to assign him/her the role of CEO for One Month*. CEO for One Month is an Adecco Group initiative that aims to give youngsters a “once in a lifetime” opportunity: to receive high quality work experience next to the top management of Adecco. CEO for One Month is launched in more than 40 countries every year. The first step will be for candidates to apply to become Adecco Country CEO for One Month in their country of residence, before making it to a shortlist of the top performers. One of them will be chosen to become Adecco Group CEO for One Month, under the direct supervision of the CEO of Adecco Group, Alain Dehaze.

Candidate Profile

It takes a really special individual to become a CEO for One Month of The Adecco Group, a Fortune 500 company with 34,000 amazing colleagues in 60 countries. For this once in a life time opportunity we are looking for talented and ambitious individuals in the early stage of their careers who demonstrate clear strengths and behaviours in the following areas:

  • Fast and eager learners, they are motivated to try different ways of doing things. They are curious and open to new perspectives and ideas. They adapt and strive in the new and changing environment.
  • They are not intimidated by complex problems. They have strong analytical skills, and are able to prioritize and solve important issues under a lot of pressure; while coming up with novel solutions.
  • They are self-aware. Strong communicators, they manage their relations well and can adapt their communication to the emotions and behaviours of others. They can create strong connections, inspire and engage diverse groups of people.
  • They show resilience and have a strong drive and ambition to achieve results and succeed when things get tough.
  • They take ownership, see the opportunities and act on them. They learn fast from success and failure.
  • Strong team players, when needed they can take a lead and mobilise teams for action.
  • With a strong customer focus, they come up with innovative and effective solutions.
  • They have passion for people and are very motivated to work with The Adecco Group.

How to apply

*The Country CEO for One Month will be working during June-July, next to our Country CEO in Greece. The Adecco Group CEO for One Month will be working under the direct supervision of the Adecco Group CEO, Alain Dehaze, in October.

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