6th AmChamGR Youth Talks @ ACG Events Hall – The American College of Greece powered by Vodafone


After the pandemic outburst, continuous developments formed a new labor market reality, and a rapid change in businesses and employees needs. In this context, the American- Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and its Employment Committee are organizing the 6th AmChamGR Youth Talks on Tuesday, November 14, at the American College of Greece, ACG Events Hall, powered by Vodafone.

The 6th AmChamGR Youth Talks aims to familiarize young people with the term agility in both professional and individual level. Nowadays, agility is of significant importance for human resources and can trigger companies productivity and sustainable development. Students, through participation in lively sessions and discussion led by experienced executives from the Greek labor market, will gain experience in the new employment realm, develop their skills and add value to their personal development.

Group sessions:

  • Team Empowerment
  • Reflection & Improvement
  • Agility & Innovation
  • Navigating Change
  • Customer Centricity
  • Learning Agility
  • Team Self-organization
  • Traditional vs Agile PM
  • Manage Work Better
  • Seeing the Big Picture

Frosso Paneta, f.paneta@amcham.gr, 210 6993559 ext.27

Sofia Chaidogiannou, s.xaidogiannou@amcham.gr, 210 6993559 ext.26