Post: Software Developer

Location: Athens, Greece

Employment: Fulltime


A Software Engineer is sought with expertise in programming and UX, preferably with interest in full stack development. The successful candidate will work on rapid prototyping of software solutions to support EU funded H2020 project and other business activities. The successful candidate will be based in at the Inlecom offices in Athens, Greece (hybrid remote and onsite work model).

With Inlecom being an R&D focused organisation, the candidate will be expected to keep up
to date with technological advancements. The post offers an outstanding opportunity to gain a strong programming and development track record across exciting, fastmoving and varied application domains, whilst working in an environment with high levels of external
collaboration and industrial impact and adoption. The role enables the successful candidate to be a part of an exciting interdisciplinary collaboration involving Software Engineering, Deep Learning, Image Processing, Big Data and Block Chain technologies.


You will be involved in the following:

  • Conceptualising prototypes for specified technology challenges;
  • Improvement of software specifications of R&D solutions before production
  • Account for UX considerations in the development of software solutions;
  • Developing proof of concept software to facilitate industrial exploitation;
  • Assisting the testing (UAT, QC etc.) of other software developed as part Inlecom’s business activities.


Development, implementation and validation of prototype software with the following
acceptance criteria:

  • Report (development, implementation, validation and testing);
  • Functional Web delivered FrontEnds prototypes;
  • Cloud Deployable BackEnd prototypes.


  • Degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or related fields
  • Demonstrable experience with coding (in e.g. university or own projects) on HTML5
    and JavaScript.
  • Demonstrable experience with Python and/or Java/C/C++ programming skills
  • Strong computer software design and development skills
  • Experience with LAMP Stack development
  • Knowledge of UNIX and git version control
  • Outstanding problemsolving skills
  • Selfmotivated and proactive
  • Ability to work effectively and efficiently as a team member as well as independently
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines
  • Ability to travel independently within the EU and abroad


  • Competitive salary
  • Working with international teams
  • Fulltime position based in Athens, Greece


All applicants are asked to send their email to by attaching a full CV which details their expertise, strengths and potential in the requirements set out above.