To clients:
- Sending premium invoices periodically (Group Life& Medical and Group Pension Plans)
- Communication for headcount changes and collection of supportive material/documentation
- Reconciliation of premium payments
- Communication via emails or tel with clients and with individual employees for claims’ related support (instructions for use of plan, follow)
- Follow ups for settlement of pending claims
- Collection, processing and filing of hard copies for enrollments and for claims (enrollment cards, original claims’ documentation, claims’ rejection letters etc)
To Insurance Companies:
- Acknowledgement of changes
- Receiving periodical invoices
- Sending hard copy documentation related to enrollments
- Communication of settlement of pending claims
- Use of on-line portals for claims information
- Copy, filing and sending of original hand copy documentation related to claims
In general:
- Registration of invoice in internal system
- Budget updating
- Filing of documentation related to enrollments and claims)