Save the Date for the 8th annual International Physical Internet Conference – IPIC2021 

The 8th annual International Physical Internet Conference – IPIC2021, the flagship conference on Physical Internet, will be held virtually on June 14-16, 2021. Organised by  ALICE – the European Technology Platform ALICE and ICCS – the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, this year’s event will be focusing on the latest breakthroughs, emerging trends and solutions shaping the future of the global freight and logistics industry. One day prior to the Conference the 4th edition of the IPIC PhD Colloquium will take place as a great opportunity for PhD students to receive feedback on their research and connect with fellow PhD students and leading academics in the field of Physical Internet.

Following 7 successful events, the 8th annual International Physical Internet Conference aims to offer a public forum for an open and constructive dialogue with researchers, industry representatives, government officials and citizens around a number of key priorities, challenges and opportunities for future Physical Internet induced by research, innovation, and implementation. IPIC’s 2021 participants will explore leading edge freight transport and logistics concepts, methodologies, projects, technological advancements and start-up initiatives for future interconnected logistics and the Physical Internet. 

Leading voices from across the world will take the stage of the virtual IPIC2021 to present a broad range of topics covered in every IPIC, but also new ones covered for the first time such as the “Roadmap Towards the Physical Internet” addressing its different generations, implementations as well as applications or technologies supporting its implementations. In detail, the topic areas of IPIC2021 are presented here.  

The ultimate objective of the Conference is to provide an effective and efficient framework for synergies and exchange of experience and knowledge that will pave the way for sustainable development of the logistics sector.

Currently, IPIC2021 accepts papers and posters, practical presentations and PI publications, submissions by start-ups & ventures, award applications. Find more about the different ways to contribute to IPIC2021:

  • Call for Submissions (Paper and Poster, Practical Presentation)
  • Call for Start-ups & Ventures
  • Doctoral Colloquium Call for Contributions
  • Call for Special Sessions

Also, in the Call for Sponsors, you may find opportunities for supporting IPIC2021 and different collaboration schemes that can offer you visibility in the virtual exhibition and an array of publicity benefits for your research activities, products and services. 

Registration to the 8th annual International Physical Internet Conference – IPIC2021 will open soon, so stay tuned!

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Call for Contributions