GfK is the trusted source of relevant market and consumer information that enables its clients to make smarter decisions. More than 13,000 market research experts combine their passion with GfK’s 80 years of data science experience. This allows GfK to deliver vital global insights matched with local market intelligence from more than 100 countries. By using innovative technologies and data sciences, GfK turns big data into smart data, enabling its clients to improve their competitive edge and enrich consumers’ experiences and choices.

GfK in Greece, is in quest of a

Industry Sales Executive

The Industry Sales Executive will be responsible for servicing and managing the existing and new accounts and for ensuring high performing client service for GfK in the local market.


The candidate should carry a Master with strong analytical and quantitative skills and background with a minimum of 1 year of experience in data analysis.

Must be hard worker, self-motivated with strong communication skills, able to present to large demanding audiences. The candidate should be client centric with a good understanding of how the output of statistical analysis will be used by the client.

Should be fluent in both Greek and English and holding full familiarity with the MS Office suite.

Please submit your interest with your CV to grinfo@gfk.com (to the attention of Mrs. Zoi Xanthopoulou)

For other career opportunities in GfK worldwide you can visit the following
